Open space: offices layout



But what a fable of open space. According to two scholars of the Harvard Business School and Harvard University, Ethan Bernstein and Stephen Turban, the wallless offices would encourage people to talk less and to write more emails and messages. “When the individual fails to focus on you, he tends to communicate less (orally) and to make mistakes more,” they explain, resumed by Leonard Berberi in the Corriere della Sera. Internal layout of the offices therefore to be reviewed?

Ma quale favola dell’open space. Secondo due studiosi dell’Harvard Business School e dell’Harvard University, Ethan Bernstein e Stephen Turban, gli uffici senza pareti spingerebbero le persone a parlarsi di meno e a scriversi più email e messaggi. «Quando l’individuo non riesce a focalizzarti, tende a comunicare meno (oralmente) e a sbagliare di più», spiegano ripresi da Leonard Berberi sul Corriere della Sera. Disposizione interna degli uffici dunque da rivedere?

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