Niente più Omero e Cicerone, Socrate e Platone. La Howard University chiude il dipartimento di studi classici, perché i grandi della letteratura antica erano tutti maschi e bianchi (??!!), quindi “suprematisti”

Founded in 1867, Howard University is a private research university comprised of 13 schools and colleges.

Students pursue studies in more than 120 areas leading to undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees. To date, Howard has awarded more than 130,000 degrees in the arts, the sciences, and the humanities. The historic main campus sits on a hilltop in Northwest Washington blocks from the storied U Street and Howard Theatre. We are two miles from the U.S. Capitol where many students intern, and scores of alumni shape national and foreign policy.

La Howard University è un’università privata storicamente nera e fin dalla sua fondazione aperta a tutti senza distinzione di sesso, religione e razza, che si trova a Washington …

Howard University has moved to dissolve its classics department, frustrating students and professors connected to the program. (Toni L. Sandys/The Washington Post)

“There are plenty of students here who care deeply about the classics,” said Sarena Straughter, who is studying political science and Latin. “It’s really necessary to keep the focus on Black students in the classics and making sure that they have the same chance of attaining that as any other student does in the U.S.”


Romano Pisciotti…sconcertato!

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