Why should you invest in Nigeria?
There are many reasons why you should consider investing in Nigeria. Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa ahead of South Africa, Egypt and the rest. With so many opportunities for growth, PwC has projected Nigeria among the top world economies in 2050 ahead of Italy, Canada, South Korea, Spain, Netherlands, Australia and others.
With over 200 million people….the best deal is to provide the food!!
Agriculture accounts for 33 percent of GDP and provides employment, both formal and informal, to more than 60% of the population.
However crop production dominates the agricultural sector and accounts for about 85 percent of agricultural activities; livestock and poultry accounting for 10 percent, fisheries and forestry, less than one percent…
…but rapidly growing.
There is a growing demand for animal protein in Nigeria!
Poultry production has not kept pace with the rapid increase in domestic consumption.
There is enormous potential for the poultry industry in Nigeria to enhance food and nutritional security, while contributing to household and economic growth.
There is no more efficient place to invest than in pullets. Pullets are the future of an integrated company. Successful pullet rearing is simply attention to detail, management, serology, biosecurity, vaccination, and worming.
Presented by Romano Pisciotti