Greece – GREXIT

Although Greece and its international creditors came closer to preventing a Grexit , in Brussels, a secret European Commission Grexit report indicates that the possibility of Greece leaving the Eurozone was very real, and still could be, at least until a bailout deal is finalized.grexit-1.jpg.aspx

“Kathimerini” newspaper cited EU officials saying that the European Commission had prepared a detailed Grexit plan that covers all the possible outcomes of such a scenario.

The lengthy document in question, which according to the report is stored in a safe close to European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker’s office in Brussels, was prepared in the last few weeks. It was written by a group of 15 European Commission officials that includes many who had some role in Greece’s previous bailout deals. The report analyzes around 200 implications of a Grexit.

Some of the issues explored in the report include the social consequences of a Grexit as well as whether this unprecedented occurrence could also lead to Greece’s exit from the European Union and the Schengen Area.

Romano Pisciotti, by web

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