Il nuovo bombardiere nucleare invisibile

L’aeronautica militare statunitense ha presentato il suo nuovo bombardiere nucleare stealth, il B-21, che sostituirà gradualmente i primi aerei della Guerra Fredda. Il nuovo bombardiere potrebbe costare quasi 700 milioni di dollari per ogni velivolo, potrà trasportare sia armi nucleari che convenzionali. I dettagli del bombardiere sono segreti.

Anche i sistemi di difesa aerea più sofisticati faticheranno a rilevare il B-21 nei cieli.

Presentato da Romano Pisciotti

REVOLUTIONARY BATTERY (English and Italian version)

Toyota is set to unveil a “game-changing” electric car with a solid-state battery. The miraculous specs claim it has a range of 300 miles — and can recharge completely in just ten minutes. Japanese carmaker Toyota is set to unveil what the media is calling a “game-changing” solid-state battery as soon as next year, Japanese financial newspaper Nikkei reports.


Toyota svelerà un’auto elettrica “rivoluzionaria” con una batteria a stato solido.  Le specifiche miracolose affermano che ha un’autonomia di 300 miglia e può ricaricarsi completamente in soli dieci minuti.  La casa automobilistica giapponese Toyota svelerà quella che i media chiamano una batteria a stato solido “che cambia le regole del gioco” il prossimo anno, riporta il quotidiano finanziario giapponese Nikkei.

Presentazione e traduzione di Romano Pisciotti

Green Reputation

Non solo le grandi aziende oggi puntano alla sostenibilità come focus di pianificazione di asset e strategie d’investimento, tanto da poter riclassificare il bilancio.

La sostenibilità oggi rappresenta un elemento chiave per le aziende e racchiude molteplici vantaggi:

Incremento del valore della marca e sviluppo di vantaggi competitivi

Accedere a nuovi mercati o nicchie di mercato legate alla sostenibilità

Accedere a nuove forme di capitali e modelli di business

Minimizzazione dei rischi

Aumento della produttività e riduzione dei costi

Attrazione e mantenimento delle risorse umane



Romano Pisciotti:

After an important experience as a naval officer, Romano worked on behalf of important international companies (Pirelli, for example) in Italy (his country of origin), Argentina, Brazil, Egypt and Nigeria with full responsibility, in a managerial position.

He actively participated in the start up of new operating units in Italy and abroad;

has been fully involved in the restructuring of companies and the increase in commercial activities. In his various experiences, Romano has led multi-ethnic work teams even in stressful environments.

He lived for over five years in Nigeria, where he had relevant experience as general manager of large industrial groups and in logistics; the current activities still tie him to Africa, in Lagos, as responsible for the development of new strategies in Nigeria for the IVECO, heavy vehicles company.

Romano has never neglected professional updating by continuously following courses at qualified universities.




Ferrari Daytona SP3

The Ferrari Daytona SP3 sports a naturally-aspirated V12, mid-rear-mounted in typical racing car style. Undisputedly the most iconic of all Maranello’s engines, this power unit delivers 840 horsepower – making it the most powerful engine ever built by Ferrari – along with 697 Nm of torque and maximum revs of 9500 rpm. The chassis is built entirely from composite materials using Formula 1 technologies that have not been seen in a road car since the la Ferrari, Maranello’s last supercar. The seat is an integral part of the chassis to reduce weight and guarantee the driver a driving position similar to that of a competition car.

Presented by Romano Pisciotti


It seems Alfa Romeo is one of those brands that refuse to step away from traditions and move on with the times. Over the last decade or so, the Italian company has come up with some great models, but their business strategy hasn’t been what you would call sustainable. However, this may be about to change, as the Italian car company recently stated that we will be getting a new model every year until 2026, and from 2027 onwards, all models of the brand will be electrified.

Presented by Romano Pisciotti



War Risk Insurance: Again, Nigeria makes case for removal of punitive shipping fees
Nigeria has continued to press for the lifting of the War Risk Insurance (WRI) imposed on vessels delivering goods and merchandise to Nigeria due to fears of insecurity.



Nuovo Btp Futura fa cilecca: raccolti solo 3,27 miliardi, mai così male…

Si conclude senza sussulti la quarta emissoone del BTP Futura, titolo di Stato dedicato esclusivamente ai risparmiatori retail ed i cui proventi finanziano gli interventi adottati nel corso dell’anno per la ripresa economica dell’Italia. Il BTP Futura atto IV segna il minimo di sempre, ben sotto i livelli delle precedenti emissioni.

La cinque giorni di collocamento del BTP Futura si è chiusa con 91.273 contratti conclusi a fronte di un importo emesso pari a 3.268,240 milioni di euro, che coincide con il controvalore complessivo dei contratti di acquisto validamente conclusi alla pari sul MOT (il Mercato Telematico delle Obbligazioni e Titoli di Stato di Borsa Italiana) attraverso le due banche dealer Intesa Sanpaolo e Unicredit (co-dealer Banca Akros e Banca Sella).

Romano Pisciotti: navigando il web


The Gulf Stream is one of the main circulation systems on our planet.

In fact, it transports huge masses of warm water from the tropics to the cold northern seas across the surface of the Atlantic Ocean, likewise, it carries cold water from the north to the tropics in the deep ocean.

The Gulf Stream is altered by many factors, including melting of the ice that lower the salinity of the sea water.

We know that studies say that it has been slowing down for 1600 years, but in the last century it has significantly accelerated its run towards a stalemate.
If this is indeed happening, prepare for the next few years even decades with something we’ve never seen before.

Africa could become a land of rains and the areas that usually benefit from a rainy climate, face periods of severe drought.

The temperate Mediterranean climate, without major changes in temperature, with the slowing of the Gulf Stream could be compromised to such an extent that Europe in general could face an extreme climate in the coming years / decades.

Presented by Romano Pisciotti


Oltre mille soldati dell’esercito afghano sono fuggiti nel vicino Tagikistan per mettersi in salvo dopo uno scontro armato con i talebani nel nord. Il Comitato per la sicurezza nazionale di Dushanbe ha fatto sapere che “1.037” soldati delle forze armate governative afghane hanno varcato il confine “per salvare le loro vite” dopo combattimenti notturni con i talebani, che hanno intensificato la loro offensiva nel nord e nel resto dell’Afghanistan contestualmente al ritiro delle truppe americane e straniere dopo 20 anni di guerra.

Decine di membri delle forze speciali afghane che avevano dichiarato la resa sono stati giustiziati a sangue freddo dai talebani al grido di ‘Allahu Akhbar’. E’ quanto mostrano alcuni video ottenuti dalla Cnn in merito ad un sanguinoso episodio di omicidi sommari che sono avvenuti il ;;16 giugno nella città di Dawlat Abad, vicino al confine con il Turkmenistan.

In un video risuonano le parole “arrendetevi”, e diversi uomini emergono da un edificio, disarmati. I talebani però sparano lo stesso e almeno una dozzina di uomini rimane uccisa. La Croce Rossa ha poi confermato che sono stati recuperati i corpi di 22 soldati. (ANSA).

Da Notizie ANSA

Romano Pisciotti: Dopo vent’anni di “democrazia” americana!

IVECO IN AFRICA, yesterday and today


Today’s freight transport is, of course, more comfortable, cheaper and more environmentally friendly than in the past. However, historic trucks – those with which some drivers have experienced the pleasure of driving a heavy goods vehicle – still exert an undeniable fascination for many today.

After the war the nation was completely to be rebuilt. New means were needed, able to respond to the needs of the moment, but above all to the challenges of the future.

Initially, Fiat responded with the average vehicles Fiat 639 and Fiat 640 and the heavy Fiat 670 and Fiat 680.

The last evolution of the 682 came in 1967, with the Fiat 682 N4, which improves the transmission to better withstand the power. However, its production will continue for a long time, not only in Italy but also in Africa. Also for this reason, it took the name of “king of Africa”.

As testimony to its off-road prowess, the Trakker was also used in the Dakar Rally.




While the IVECO T-WAY builds on the heritage of robustness and reliability of the brand’s long lineage of champion multi-axle construction trucks, it introduces innovative and technological solutions to exceed all expectations in productivity, payload capacity, safety and driver comfort.

These characteristics of extreme toughness, high performance and reliability are clearly expressed by the theme of the advertising launch campaign:


The IVECO T-WAY delivers all the power needed for traction and PTO with IVECO’s reliable and efficient Cursor 13 engine (13 litres) that develops up to 510 hp – exceeding the outgoing Trakker’s performance by 10 hp. For lighter-weight configurations, it is also available with the Cursor 9 engine.

The engines are coupled with the proven 12- and 16-speed HI-TRONIX automated gearbox, which now also features new functions specifically intended for on and off-road mobility.

They include a Hill Holder function to help departure on steep slopes, Rocking Mode to help recover traction in slippery conditions, and Creep Mode for ultra-low speed when idling. For the on-road sections of the mission, the IVECO HI-CRUISE system further enhances the transmission’s efficiency. It includes predictive gear shifting, predictive cruise control and an eco-roll function that uses the vehicle’s inertia when travelling downhill. With these new algorithms, HI-TRONIX delivers the perfect gearshift strategy for every application.

Motor Parts Industry: IVECO – ASTRA in Nigeria

231 Moshood Abiola Way, Ijora (Old Apapa road)

Lagos – Nigeria


Presented by Romano Pisciotti

John Elkann,Giovanni Antolini, Romano Pisciotti
Motor Parts Industry