33 years since the disappearance of the Drake

Enzo Ferrari, it was the Ferragosto of 1988 (August 15 1988)

Ferrari ran the company as a family, enriched with training schools, canteens, banks with subsidies for employees. And in the most dramatic cases where the health insurance fund did not arrive, his intervention was not long in coming. That’s why he never went on strike. There was an attempt: the workers lined up outside the entrance with banners. He arrived, got out of the car, greeted the leader of the trade unionists and said: “You are right, to strike is your right, in a sense I am with you. But I work today because I have to think of you too, of your families. By the way, I heard your son was sick, is it better now? “. He greeted and entered. The others followed him in silence.

Remembered by Romano Pisciotti

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