Sustainable livestock production

Meat consumption in developing countries increased by about 70 million tons, almost three times the increase that occurred in industrialized countries, and milk consumption grew by 105 million tons, more than double the increase that occurred in the most developed countries.

To support this increase in production it was necessary to expand the surface of permanent meadows and pastures, which now occupy 3 billion and 350 million hectares, but above all to increase the production of animal feed. About 33% of the arable land areas are now dedicated to the production of animal feed for livestock production. In total, about 4/5 of the entire agricultural area is dedicated to animal feed and only the remaining 20% ​​is intended for the direct production of human food and vegetable fibers.

For example, it is expected that, if the current trend remains constant, meat consumption will double further between now and 2030. Making livestock production sustainable will therefore be increasingly essential.

The use of new tools and discoveries – mechanical, pharmacological and veterinary – has made it possible to make farming more efficient.

Animal food (Tell me what your animals eat I will tell you your success)

Relying only on a “theoretical” diet based on empirical knowledge, rather than one calculated with effective technical means, is not enough to ensure the right nutritional intake and, consequently, efficient farm management.

Knowing what cattle in the barn are eating, or what actually reaches their mouth, is necessary to calibrate the diet, taking into account the actual nutritional capacity of the main components of the same.

Presented by Romano Pisciotti