Motor Parts Industry (MPI – Lagos), a piece of history and motorization in Nigeria

Protagonists of transport during the Second World War, the Fiat 626N and 666N started the mass production of Italian advanced cab trucks.

In 1939, Fiat presented the 626N and 666N (N stands for naphtha), two trucks that today we could define the border point between the past and the future in Italian truck production.

Their main feature was the advanced cabins, even if in reality they weren’t quite the first … The start of series production, however, gave way to that design evolution of truck cabs, which led to the abandonment of the style automotive.

The adoption of the advanced cabin moved the engine inside, covered by a large hood placed between the two seats. This large hood raised to allow routine maintenance.

For the most important interventions, the engine unit could be removed, with relative ease, by removing the bumper and the grille. It should be emphasized that the shape and layout of the cabin of the 626 and 666 remained so for many years, until the arrival of the lilting cabin.

IVECO – MPI, Lagos

In 1952 Italy adopted a new highway code, which imposes new requirements on the capacity of trucks. Due to this, at the end of the year, Fiat replaced the 680N, in production since 1948, with a new model: the 682N.

Presented by Romano Pisciotti

MPI: Motor Parts Industry (IVECO ASTRA in Nigeria)


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