Cecil, lo Zimbabwe chiede agli Usa l’estradizione del dentista Palmer

Lo Zimbabwe ha avviato la procedura per chiedere agli Stati Uniti l’estradizione di Walter Palmer, il cacciatore del Minnesota che ha ucciso il leone Cecil, una vicenda che ha scatenato una ondata di proteste in tutto il mondo e nella cittadina in cui vive il dentista, costretto anche a chiudere la sua clinica. Palmer avrebbe versato 50mila dollari per poter partecipare alla caccia grossa vicino al parco nazionale di Hwange, nello stato africano, in cui ha colpito il leone.

Captain Romano Pisciotti

romano pisciotti First Ever Extradition on Antitrust Charge compare to Extradition to kill lion USA NIGERIA Europa
Cecil lion


 Cpt. Romano Pisciotti First Person Extradited From Europe to the United States for criminal
Captain Romano Pisciotti

Zimbabwe ‘seeks lion Cecil’s killer’ Walter Palmer from US

Cecil lion
Cecil lion


The US dentist who killed a lion in Zimbabwe should be extradited to face charges, Zimbabwe’s Environment Minister Oppah Muchinguri has said.

There has been a huge online backlash against Mr Palmer. The dental practice he runs in Minneapolis has been closed since he was named as the hunter who shot Cecil.
On Thursday, the White House said it would review a public petition to extradite the American dentist after more than 100,000 signed it.
But spokesman Josh Earnest said it was up to the US justice department to respond to any extradition order.

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