Immigration policy – comment by Romano Pisciotti

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Gli Stati Uniti discutono le nuove leggi sull’immigrazione

The United States discuss the new immigration rules


Captain Romano Pisciotti, surfing USA web

‘Female Viagra’ approved by US drug agency – comment by Romano Pisciotti

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a libido-enhancing drug for women that has been dubbed “female Viagra”.

Romano Pisciotti sex

Flibanserin, a drug produced by Sprout Pharmaceuticals, recently passed an FDA advisory committee meeting.
The pill is designed to assist premenopausal women regain their sex drive by boosting levels of certain brain chemicals.
The drug has been criticised as having marginal effects.

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Captain Romano Pisciotti surfing web

We are on a time bomb: recent satellite photos

Vesuvio . Romano Pisciotti analizza il possibile disastro

The volcanologist Giuseppe Mastrolorenzo, one of the greatest scholars of Vesuvius and its activity, has warned more than once: “We are on a time bomb that will not leave a chance.” But why exactly Vesuvius and the possibility of its next eruption is a mortal danger to the people living on its slopes? We ‘just a risk to a natural event, or we have made things worse?
And then, on the one hand there is the Vesuvius, on the other hand there are the Campi Flegrei. The area potentially closer to an eruption is incredibly lacking a contingency plan and evacuation.
But what would happen in Naples in case of eruption of Vesuvius? What would be the effects on people and things?
Among widespread illegal, dangerous roads and streets under sequestration, evacuate the villages of the “red zone” would be a mission in some cases impossible.

1439911883856.jpg--scienze__la_foto_dal_satellite_dei_campi_flegrei__l_impressionante_lago_di_magma_appena_sotto_la_superficieRecent satellite photos

A photo impressive, disturbing. What you see is the deformation of magma beneath the Campi Flegrei and the area of Pozzuoli, in Campania, view from the satellites. At a depth of only 3 kilometers there is created a real lake of 2-3 km in radius, with the earth raised approximately 10 cm in the last 3 years. All this because the magma is pushing to rise to the surface. Not surprisingly, in 10 years the land has risen by 30 cm and the Civil Protection raised its alert level on the area from green to yellow (caution). The blue color in the coastal area of Pozzuoli indicates the maximum proximity of magma to the surface.

Italian volcanoes
Italian volcanoes

 Romano Pisciotti ...notizia da tenere sott'occhio....

Captain Romano Pisciotti: news to watch ….!!!

Why are people enthusiastic about iPhone?

captain romano pisciotti surfing web:

“The brand name they have made. Apple products are next to perfection. Or rather they were. The way they have engineered their products is what makes it special
Be it the body antenna introduced in the iPhone 4s. The magnetic charger. The fan design to reduce noise. They thought about everything. They make a product even you Granny can use.
I say that Steve has become successful today, because even after his demise. The Apple still dazzles people. Owning Apple is nothing but a status symbol. That’s the jist”


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iphone 7

Sharon Chalkin Feldstein by Romano Pisciotti Report

Sharon Chalkin Feldstein founder of Expert Management started her company when it became evident to her that people needed real knowledge from real experts. In other words, moving away from celebrity’s opinions towards the expert’s advice.

Expert Management acts as personal managers guiding their clients in achieving their goals, which may include hosting, publishing, endorsements, multilevel media, and product creation.

On a personal note, Sharon has enjoyed many years as a celebrity stylist, trend expert (creator of the infamous “Sparkle Cell Phone”), costume designer, while teaching master classes on these subjects at the FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology in New York). Sharon divides her time between Los Angeles and New York City.

Recommended by Captain Romano Pisciotti

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Cecil, lo Zimbabwe chiede agli Usa l’estradizione del dentista Palmer

Lo Zimbabwe ha avviato la procedura per chiedere agli Stati Uniti l’estradizione di Walter Palmer, il cacciatore del Minnesota che ha ucciso il leone Cecil, una vicenda che ha scatenato una ondata di proteste in tutto il mondo e nella cittadina in cui vive il dentista, costretto anche a chiudere la sua clinica. Palmer avrebbe versato 50mila dollari per poter partecipare alla caccia grossa vicino al parco nazionale di Hwange, nello stato africano, in cui ha colpito il leone.

Captain Romano Pisciotti

romano pisciotti First Ever Extradition on Antitrust Charge compare to Extradition to kill lion USA NIGERIA Europa
Cecil lion


 Cpt. Romano Pisciotti First Person Extradited From Europe to the United States for criminal
Captain Romano Pisciotti

LNG in the arctic


The harsh Arctic conditions make developing and transporting natural gas a daunting challenge. Total is studying a design for a new LNG carrier able to do its own icebreaking and make its way across glacial waters at -40 °C. – See more at:

Captain Romano Pisciotti, surfing web, ship & new technology

SS United States

United States romano pisciotti manager
United States


SS United States is a luxury passenger liner built in 1952 for United States Lines designed to capture the trans-Atlantic speed record.

Built at a cost of $78 million, the ship is the largest ocean liner constructed entirely in the US, the fastest ocean liner to cross the Atlantic in either direction, and even in her retirement retains the Blue Riband given to the passenger liner crossing the Atlantic Ocean in regular service with the record highest speed.

Her construction was subsidized by the US government, since she was designed to allow conversion to a troop carrier should the need arise. United States operated uninterrupted in transatlantic passenger service until 1969. Since 1996 she has been docked at Pier 82 on the Delaware River in Philadelphia.

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United States in disarmament



Romano Pisciotti, surfing web

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Captain, Romano Pisciotti