Executive Master in Logistic & Supply Chain Management (LAGOS)

Start to develop your talent and become a better manager right now!

We always maintain an international vision, and our mission is to train global leaders equipped to manage companies all over the world from an innovative and sustainable perspective.

This is the meaning of our mission to create better managers for a better world.
We have revolutionized the ordinary approach to higher education through our dynamism and effective training. Our students, alumni, faculty, and staff members are the driving force behind this change. We are committed to creating future managers, entrepreneurs, and professionals to a level of excellence and ethics in their competences, to take the world to the next age of modernity and progress. We train our talent to make the difference, reach their objectives and innovate. Your future is our primary concern, and we work hard to help you fulfill your dreams.
Romano Pisciotti



Fantasy Marketing


The rules of Fantasy Marketing are simple:

you have to come up with progressively more absurd, but just about conceivable, marketing ideas.

Why not sell tea cosies with the school logo? Couldn’t we write and record a School Song? What if we had a special offer for pregnant women (foetuses attend free)? Why don’t we force all the teachers to participate in a semi-spontaneous Fun Happening in the shopping plaza car park?

In the end you settle on the leaflets, which the secretaries will have to thrust at passersby in the rain.

Le regole del Fantasy Marketing sono semplici:

devi inventare idee di marketing progressivamente più assurde, ma quasi immaginabili.

Perché non vendere bustine di tè con il logo della scuola? Non potremmo scrivere e registrare una canzone della scuola? E se avessimo un’offerta speciale per le donne in gravidanza (i feti frequentano gratuitamente)? Perché non obblighiamo tutti gli insegnanti a partecipare a un Happ Happening semi-spontaneo nel parcheggio della piazza dello shopping?

Alla fine ti accontenti dei volantini, che i segretari dovranno distribuire ai passanti sotto la pioggia. 

Romano Pisciotti

Romano Pisciotti: like

– Rome Business School – Lagos, Nigeria