La memoria dell’impresa // The memory of the company

This 1939 Fiat 500A Topolino is a two-door transformabile coupe feature bodywork from the Garavini coachworks in Turin, Italy

Questa Fiat 500A Topolino del 1939 è una coupé trasformabile a due porte con carrozzeria prodotta dalle carrozzerie Garavini di Torino, Italia.

Gestire scientificamente le differenti componenti del patrimonio industriale attraverso un’unica struttura istituzionale dotata di competenze diverse è possibile, almeno per le realtà di dimensioni considerevoli, e può essere estremamente produttivo in termini di valorizzazione.

Scientifically managing the different components of industrial assets through a single institutional structure with different skills is possible, at least for companies of considerable size, and can be extremely productive in terms of enhancement.


La sensibilità collettiva verso il patrimonio industriale è molto aumentata: il grande pubblico ha imparato a conoscere e ad amare tale patrimonio.

The collective sensitivity towards industrial heritage has greatly increased: the general public has learned to know and love this heritage

From the business memory we must derive reason for satisfaction and that “return of image” which translates into a promotional advantage.

Dalla memoria d’impresa si debbono ricavare motivo di soddisfazione e quel “ritorno di immagine” che si traduce in un vantaggio promozionale.



Without prejudice to administrative reasons or technical needs, the choice of whether or not to keep a document – be it an invoice rather than a product sample or a photo – is often an affective / emotional one, which has as its consequently the “creation of meaning” or, in other words, the generation of a message.

Fatte salve le motivazioni di tipo amministrativo o le esigenze di carattere tecnico, la scelta di conservare o meno un documento – sia esso una fattura piuttosto che un campione del prodotto o una foto – è spesso di tipo affettivo/emotivo, che ha come conseguenza la “creazione di senso” o, in altre parole, la generazione di un messaggio.

Una delle sfide per il mondo imprenditoriale, ma anche per quello cultura

One of the challenges for the business world, but also for the cultural one


Recuperare e riproporre, attualizzandoli, vecchi modelli di oggetti di design; oppure mettere in produzione progetti mai realizzati. Come si vede quello dello sfruttamento degli archivi in chiave produttiva è ancora un ambito di intervento ampiamente da esplorare e sviluppare.

Recover and re-propose, updating them, old models of design objects; or put into production projects that have never been realized. As can be seen, the exploitation of archives in a productive key is still an area of ​​intervention that has to be widely explored and developed.

Nuove forme di marketing e di comunicazione d’impresa e del territorio stesso che riconosce nella memoria industriale e del lavoro una propria risorsa capace di attrarre attenzione.

New forms of marketing and communication for business and the territory itself, which recognizes its own resource capable of attracting attention in industrial and work memory.


Business developer manager / Consulenza strategica & commerciale

Consulente // Consultant

Motor Parts Industry (MPI – Lagos), a piece of history and motorization in Nigeria

Crisis and new consumer alternatives

The lower propensity of consumers to spend, linked to the crisis, can open up opportunities for the variety of competition: the consumer is less tied to the usual trusted product and looks for alternative products; the consumer, while spending less, becomes more attentive. Producers and sales networks will have to field new ideas. Marketing aims to assist executives who must be able to vary the offer without falling into the trap of reducing margins. The consumer tendency to seek alternative products and services opens up new horizons to competition and the reversal of market shares.

Romano Pisciotti

Lidl multata per 1 milione

Bugie e omissioni sull’origine del grano duro: Lidl multata per 1 milione dall’Agcm.

Promozione e commercializzazione delle proprie linee di pasta di semola di grano duro a marchio “Italiamo” e “Combino” mediante confezioni che rappresentano in maniera ingannevole le caratteristiche del prodotto, enfatizzandone sulla parte frontale l’italianità in assenza di adeguate e contestuali indicazioni sull’origine anche estera del grano duro impiegato.

Questa l’accusa mossa dall’Autorità garante della concorrenza e del mercato a Lidl Italia. Che tuttavia, a differenza di altri produttori di pasta che hanno ricevuto un’analoga contestazione, nel corso della procedura istruttoria avviata dall’Antitrust non ha presentato alcun impegno a modificare il proprio comportamento ed è così stata sanzionata per 1 milione di euro.

“Il marketing ingannevole nuoce a tutti i prodotti italiani”

Romano Pisciotti

How To Analyze Your Audience In Google Analytics

No matter what industry you’re in or what your approach is to marketing and advertising, understanding your audience better will allow you to improve your practices and increase your customer loyalty and retention.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics



Understanding your audience ADNC NaN% is pivotal to any business. No matter what industry you’re in or what your approach is to marketing and advertising, understanding your audience better will allow you to improve your practices and increase your customer loyalty and retention.

Today, thanks to readily available technologies, it’s easier than ever to analyze your audience and get a better idea of who’s interacting with your brand and why. With the right insights, you can modify your approach, anticipate your customer needs, and create a superior user experience.

Google Analytics is one of the best tools you can use for this purpose. Once your script is installed, you’ll be able to measure a tremendous diversity of data on your web users, and using that data, you’ll be able to make meaningful change to your branding and marketing strategies.


Acquisition Insights

The Acquisition area of Google GOOGL -1.01% Analytics is one of the most important, especially if you’re marketing to your audience online in different formats. The main purpose of the Acquisition section is to provide insight on how your users are finding your site. For example, in the Acquisition Overview, you’ll be able to see a chart of how many users found your site after typing your URL directly into their browser versus those that found it through an external link, social media, or search engine results.

This information is especially useful in determining which of your marketing strategies is the most effective, but it’s also useful for determining what types of people are visiting your site and why. For example, if you find that the majority of your users are finding your site through content you’ve syndicated on social media, you could double your content writing and syndication efforts to attract an even greater number of users.



Jayson DeMers
Jayson DeMers 




Surfing web, Romano Pisciotti

Marketing Plan


Firms that are successful in marketing invariably start with a marketing plan. Large companies have plans with hundreds of pages; small companies can get by with a half-dozen sheets. Put your marketing plan in a three-ring binder. Refer to it at least quarterly, but better yet monthly. Leave a tab for putting in monthly reports on sales/manufacturing; this will allow you to track performance as you follow the plan.

The plan should cover one year. For small companies, this is often the best way to think about marketing. Things change, people leave, markets evolve, customers come and go. Later on we suggest creating a section of your plan that addresses the medium-term future–two to four years down the road. But the bulk of your plan should focus on the coming year.

You should allow yourself a couple of months to write the plan, even if it’s only a few pages long. Developing the plan is the “heavy lifting” of marketing. While executing the plan has its challenges, deciding what to do and how to do it is marketing’s greatest challenge. Most marketing plans kick off with the first of the year or with the opening of your fiscal year if it’s different………………..

Romano Pisciotti surfing the web:

Mail to for adviceimages

Fantasy Marketing


The rules of Fantasy Marketing are simple:

you have to come up with progressively more absurd, but just about conceivable, marketing ideas.

Why not sell tea cosies with the school logo? Couldn’t we write and record a School Song? What if we had a special offer for pregnant women (foetuses attend free)? Why don’t we force all the teachers to participate in a semi-spontaneous Fun Happening in the shopping plaza car park?

In the end you settle on the leaflets, which the secretaries will have to thrust at passersby in the rain.

Le regole del Fantasy Marketing sono semplici:

devi inventare idee di marketing progressivamente più assurde, ma quasi immaginabili.

Perché non vendere bustine di tè con il logo della scuola? Non potremmo scrivere e registrare una canzone della scuola? E se avessimo un’offerta speciale per le donne in gravidanza (i feti frequentano gratuitamente)? Perché non obblighiamo tutti gli insegnanti a partecipare a un Happ Happening semi-spontaneo nel parcheggio della piazza dello shopping?

Alla fine ti accontenti dei volantini, che i segretari dovranno distribuire ai passanti sotto la pioggia. 

Romano Pisciotti

Romano Pisciotti: like

– Rome Business School – Lagos, Nigeria