In everyone’s thoughts there is the Chinese threat.

At this time there are definitely many warships maneuvering in the Asian seas, busy flexing their muscles to impress potential adversaries. They are US, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Australian and even French ships, because France considers itself to be a power of the Indo-Pacific area and intends to prove it.

None of the countries involved want to unleash a conflict, but besides the fact that wars sometimes break out due to recklessness, it is undeniable that there is a real increase in tension in this area that concentrates a large part of the war threats of the globe.

For years the Chinese regime, invoking old maps of the imperial era, has been operating in an area claimed by all the coastal countries.

If one day the United States and China were to face each other, an event that no one can rule out, it will certainly happen in the waters of the South China Sea due to Taiwan or in the East China Sea towards Japan, where other disputed islands are located.
China already owns six aircraft carrier and is building another state-of-the-art: the US has a total of 11

Supremacy at sea is the new challenge opened by China vis-à-vis the United States. Beijing has built the largest military naval fleet in the world, surpassing Washington. An advantage in numerical terms, this year equal to about 60 ships, destined to grow by 2024, when the People’s Republic will have a fleet of at least 400 naval vessels. A goal that responds to a need set out in 2018 by President Xi Jinpin.


Romano Pisciotti..INFOWEB

CHINA: ‘Rich country full of poor’

The fact that the largest nation in the world is able to manage a capitalist economy without granting political freedoms, even in the presence of the new information medium which is the Internet, represents an unprecedented challenge for those who believe that democracy and the market sooner or later must converge. The unique dimension of China, the peculiarity of its history and its civilization lead to fear that the union between authoritarianism and the market may be solid and lasting. The efficiency of the censorship applied by the Beijing government to the Internet has become a symbol for many Westerners, who observe the successes of the repressive apparatus against dissent.

In every production sector, the country has used production techniques that consume more energy than its Japanese, European or American competitors. Changing this model of development will require difficult sacrifices, even in terms of social consensus. For the Beijing government, the consent of the urban middle class is a fundamental element of political and social stability.

In China, arable land for cereals is only 600 m² per inhabitant, compared to 1900 m² per inhabitant in the United States, yet the American workforce employed in agriculture is only 2% of the active population. The Chinese labor still employed in agricultural work is largely overabundant, unproductive, underutilized, and this is a structural cause of its misery.

The fact that China has become a major world exporter of fruit and vegetables does not prevent it from being doomed to not be self-sufficient in basic production – such as rice, cereals, soybeans. The mass expulsion from the countryside appears to be an inevitable process destined to last a very long time.

The rural population of the country is estimated at around 900 million people. 40% of all farmers on the planet live in China. The other side of the Chinese economic miracle was summarized in November 2006 by a World Bank study relating to the period 2001-2003: in that three-year period of growth, 10% of the population saw their income decrease by 2.4%. Over the same period, the richest 10% of Chinese recorded an income increase of 16%. The condition of large masses of peasants at the beginning of the 21st century. it was still marked by profound injustices, arbitrariness and oppression by the political class.

The flight of Chinese peasants to urban factories and construction sites gives rise to other hotbeds of social tension. In cities, the fate that awaits rural immigrants is that of second-class citizens, victims of a sort of apartheid. Deprived of the status of urban residents, immigrants from the countryside are not entitled to health care or schools for their children. They are condemned to the humblest jobs, underpaid, blackmailed by their employers.

Romano Pisciotti..Browsing the web

China devalues yuan currency to three-year low

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China’s central bank has devalued the national currency, the yuan, to its lowest rate against the US dollar in almost three years.

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The lender said the move was a “one-off depreciation” of 1.9% in a move to make the exchange rate more market-oriented.


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