BMW contro Google

 Cpt. Romano Pisciotti on Google and BMW contest

Alphabet è il ramo di BMW che si occupa dei servizi di mobilità aziendale.

BMW Logo
BMW Logo

Quando lunedì Google ha annunciato la nascita di Alphabet, la mega società che riorganizza la galassia di Mountain View per privilegiare lo sviluppo di nuovi progetti, lo ha fatto con un sito ufficiale un po’ insolito: il portale dell’azienda non è ma Questo perché appartiene a BMW, che non ha la minima intenzione di vendere il dominio a Big G. Anzi, l’azienda tedesca non ha apprezzato l’uso di un marchio identico al suo.

Pisciotti Romano, commento: a google sarebbe bastato usare un motore di ricerca per scoprirlo !!!!

Cpt. Romano Pisciotti on Google and BMW contest
Cpt. Romano Pisciotti


Google unveils surprise restructuring under Alphabet

Google has unveiled a surprise restructuring, creating a new parent company called Alphabet Inc.




Under the rebranding, Google will retain its best-known businesses, such as search, apps, YouTube and Android.
Some of the newer entities, such as the investment and research divisions, the “smart-home” unit Nest, and the drone arm will be run under Alphabet.
Google founder Larry Page said it would create a simpler structure for what had become a diverse group of businesses.
“This new structure will allow us to keep tremendous focus on the extraordinary opportunities we have inside of Google,” he said in the blogpost.”Our company is operating well today, but we think we can make it cleaner and more accountable,” he said. “The whole point is that Alphabet companies should have independence and develop their own brands.”
Mr Page will become chief executive of Alphabet, with senior vice president Sundar Pichai becoming CEO of Google.
Mr Page’s fellow Google co-founder Sergey Brin will become president of Alphabet, and Eric Schmidt, the current Google chairman, will be executive chairman of the holding company.
What’s in a name?
Google’s new chief financial officer, Ruth Porat, will hold the same title for both Google and Alphabet.
BGC Partners’ investment analyst Colin Gillis said the new structure should give investors greater clarity on strategy and how much Google was spending on new products.


Pisciotti Romano

Romano Pisciotti, 2015
Romano Pisciotti, 2015
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