Land of Fire: Divine forces flowing to the sea in crystal rivers between lava rocks and deep lakes, invisible to mortals and to the envious Moon; theatre of magnificence for the Deities that reign the Earth, battlefield for the splendour of the God who rules the waves: infinite clash for the power of beauty.

Romano Pisciotti

Terra del fuoco: Divine forze scorrono al mare in fiumi di cristallo tra rocce di lava e laghi profondi, invisibili ai mortali e alla Luna invidiosa; teatro della magnificenza per le Divinità che regnano la Terra, campo di battaglia per lo splendore del Dio che regna le onde: infinita battaglia per il potere della bellezza.

Romano Pisciotti


Luce e poesia

Dove il cuore
cede il passo all’anima
troviamo colori
che la mente umana
neppure può immaginare.
Come un’ombra
quel vecchio pino
è rimasto testimone
della mia voglia
di ritornare
a quella festa
di luce e poesia.
Romano Pisciotti

Where the heart

gives way to the soul,

we find colours

than the human mind

can’t even imagine.

Like a shadow,

that old pine

remained a witness

of my desire

to come back

at that party

of light and poetry.

Piedimonte Etneo

Sicilia, Italy

The ideal holiday after the lockdown

Tourism, England crowns Umbria: “It’s the ideal holiday after the lockdown”
In an Italy that has always been a destination for travelers from all over the world thanks to its artistic beauty, its landscapes and its food and wine specialties, the tourism sector will be one of those most tried by the coronavirus emergency.

Yet across the Channel, in England, there are those who still look to Italy…

…England crowns Umbria: “It is the ideal holiday after the lockdown”
“To crown the ‘green heart of Italy’ is the ‘Telegraph’, which promotes Umbria in the ‘travel’ section of its site”

“All the beaches, lakes, mountains and historic centers of Italy await tourists of the new era, in total safety and with the traditional welcome of hoteliers and restaurateurs.”

Romano Pisciotti