Domenica in Belgio la Rossa correrà il suo 900° GP, una storia lunga 65 anni che ne ha fatto il simbolo dello sport motoristico.
900 volte rosso quindi, 900 volte in cui a Maranello si sono sentiti un po’ padroni del Mondo (giustamente visto cosa significa il marchio anche per chi di motori non si interessa); 900 corse che hanno visto alternarsi i più grandi piloti di tutti i tempi e che, grazie anche alla monoposto di rosso vestita, sono diventati grandi; 900 volte in cui la Formula 1 ha saputo che, senza la Ferrari, non sarebbe stato lo stesso. Già, perché il connubio F-F (Ferrari – Formula 1) è inscindibile e vincente, grazie all’una e all’altra. Oltre ad essere la scuderia più presente nella storia del circuit, la “rossa” è anche la più vincente con 223 Gp vinti, 688 podi, 207 pole position, 15 Mondiali piloti e 16 Mondiali costruttori.
È in corso, in Egitto, la cerimonia per l’inaugurazione del raddoppio di un tratto del Canale di Suez. Presente il presidente egiziano, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, che ha percorso le acque del Canale a bordo di una storica imbarcazione, lo yacht Mahroussa, tra le navi più antiche al mondo ancora in servizio. Alla cerimonia, che si svolge nella città portuale di Ismailiya, partecipano, fra gli altri, il premier russo, Dmitri Medvedev, e il presidente francese, Francois Hollande. L’Italia è rappresentata dal ministro della Difesa, Roberta Pinotti.
Hackers are exploiting a serious flaw in the internet’s architecture, according to a security firm.
The bug targets systems which convert URLs into IP addresses.
Exploiting it could threaten the smooth running of internet services as it allows hackers to launch denial-of-service attacks on websites, potentially forcing them offline.
Regular internet users are unlikely to be severely affected, however.
Bind is the name of a variety of Domain Name System (DNS) software used on the majority of internet servers.
The recently identified bug allows attackers to crash the software, therefore taking the DNS service offline and preventing URLs, for example, from working.
A patch for the flaw is already available, but many systems are yet to be updated.
The Internet Systems Consortium (ISC), which develops Bind, said in a tweet that the vulnerability was “particularly critical” and “easily exploited”.
Russia has renewed its efforts to get the United Nations to recognise 1.2 million sq km (463,000 sq miles) of the Arctic shelf that it lays claim to.
It made a similar move for the resource-rich territory in 2001, but that was rejected by a UN commission because of insufficient evidence.
Russia’s foreign ministry said the fresh bid is backed by scientific data.
But all other countries bordering the Arctic – Norway, Denmark, Canada and the US – reject Moscow’s claim.
All five nations have been trying to assert jurisdiction over parts of the Arctic, which is believed to hold up to a quarter of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas.
The competition for Arctic resources has intensified in recent years as the shrinking polar ice opens new opportunities for exploration.
Russia said its new submission to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf contained new arguments.
“Ample scientific data collected in years of Arctic research are used to back the Russian claim,” Russia foreign ministry said in a statement.
Russia previously staked a claim to the Arctic seabed in 2007 by dropping a canister containing the Russian flag on to the ocean floor from a submarine at the North Pole.
The new move comes a week after the Kremlin said it was strengthening its naval forces in the Arctic as part of a new military doctrine.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said the plans included a new fleet of icebreakers.
Earlier this year, Russia’s military conducted exercises in the Arctic that involved 38,000 servicemen, more than 50 surface ships and submarines and 110 aircraft.
The Liberty ship was a class of cargo ship built in the United States during World War II. Though British in conception, the design was adapted by the U.S. for its simple, low-cost construction. Mass produced on an unprecedented scale, the now iconic Liberty ship came to symbolize U.S. wartime industrial output.
The class was developed to meet British orders for transports to replace those torpedoed by German U-boats. The vessels were purchased both for the U.S. fleet and lend-lease deliveries of war materiel to Britain and the Soviet Union. Eighteen American shipyards built 2,710 Liberty ships between 1941 and 1945, easily the largest number of ships produced to a single design.
Their production mirrored on a much larger scale the manufacture of the Hog Islander and similar standardized ship types during World War I. The immensity of the effort, the sheer number of ships built, the vaunted role of Rosie the Riveters in their construction, and the survival of some far longer than their original five-year design life, all make them the subject of much continued interest.
Only a handful remain in 2015, two as operational museum ships.
No matter what industry you’re in or what your approach is to marketing and advertising, understanding your audience better will allow you to improve your practices and increase your customer loyalty and retention.
Understanding your audience ADNC NaN% is pivotal to any business. No matter what industry you’re in or what your approach is to marketing and advertising, understanding your audience better will allow you to improve your practices and increase your customer loyalty and retention.
Today, thanks to readily available technologies, it’s easier than ever to analyze your audience and get a better idea of who’s interacting with your brand and why. With the right insights, you can modify your approach, anticipate your customer needs, and create a superior user experience.
Google Analytics is one of the best tools you can use for this purpose. Once your script is installed, you’ll be able to measure a tremendous diversity of data on your web users, and using that data, you’ll be able to make meaningful change to your branding and marketing strategies.
Acquisition Insights
The Acquisition area of Google GOOGL -1.01% Analytics is one of the most important, especially if you’re marketing to your audience online in different formats. The main purpose of the Acquisition section is to provide insight on how your users are finding your site. For example, in the Acquisition Overview, you’ll be able to see a chart of how many users found your site after typing your URL directly into their browser versus those that found it through an external link, social media, or search engine results.
This information is especially useful in determining which of your marketing strategies is the most effective, but it’s also useful for determining what types of people are visiting your site and why. For example, if you find that the majority of your users are finding your site through content you’ve syndicated on social media, you could double your content writing and syndication efforts to attract an even greater number of users.
Las eléctricas recuperan a través del término de potencia los costes de inversión en generación que no pueden recuperar por el precio de mercado de la electricidad.
Cualquiera puede observar que en los últimos dos años el precio de la energía utilizada para producir electricidad ha bajado, pero el recibo de la luz ha subido. Un elixir mágico, llamado regulación a la carta (de las compañías eléctricas, por supuesto), ha conseguido que el consumidor que menos energía eléctrica gasta sea el que pague más en términos relativos; y viceversa. Una política racional de precios procuraría que pagasen más (en términos relativos) los que más gastan, porque eso es lo que dicen los manuales de economía y porque de esa manera podría buscarse una disuasión del consumo. Pero en España sucede al revés. ¿Por qué?
Pues porque el regulador —el Gobierno— decidió en 2013 que era necesario, mejor dicho, imperativo, aumentar lo que paga el cliente en concepto de potencia contratada, que es la parte fija del recibo, para garantizar (parece la única explicación económica) los ingresos de las eléctricas. El balance desde agosto de 2013 es arrasador: para el consumidor doméstico ha supuesto una subida del 92% de la parte fija del recibo (término de potencia contratada) y del 145% para el consumidor industrial. La decisión ataca directamente los bolsillos de los clientes con menos capacidad económica y liquida cualquier política de ahorro; se haga lo que se haga con el consumo en los hogares, el peso principal del recibo sigue siendo inmune a la austeridad.