Not all vehicles are the same green

IVECO is writing a new chapter in its history, consistently pursuing its vocation as a global and multicultural reality and continuing to focus on technology, reduction of management costs (Total Cost of Ownership, TCO), sustainability and customer loyalty. Continuous attention to new technologies has allowed Iveco to become a European leader in the alternative drive sector, anticipating solutions that will contribute in the future to further reducing the environmental impact in the transport sector.

Romano Pisciotti

MPI – IVECO Nigeria

Greater Nigeria

Our name is “Gift of God” gift of God that men are free to pray according to their beliefs and traditions. We are children of our fertile land, sons of the great river and the fresh salty breeze blowing on the lagoon, we are the daughters of the green hills and the silent desert: we are all sons and daughters of Greater Nigeria.
We were born of love and we came to the world with the strength of the waves and the courage of free lions in the forest.
Our desire and our right is to live and grow in peace, our youth and our ambitions are in the hands of our fathers, hands that we do not want stained with blood. Our future is the future of this country, as much as our past was the womb of our mothers and the pride of this nation.
If we want a great free Africa we can not allow the men of this wonderful land to kill themselves by tribal rivalries, religious differences or absurd claims … we will not allow it!
We ask the women and men of this country to live in peace, for their joy and our future and the future of our children and their children … until the great river flows.

Romano Pisciotti



Romano Pisciotti




CNH ended talks to sell its Iveco SpA

The billionaire Agnelli family’s CNH Industrial NV ended talks to sell its Iveco SpA truck and bus unit to China FAW Group Co. after the Italian government signaled it would oppose the deal.

CNH abandoned the talks because the Chinese automotive group didn’t present an acceptable offer for Iveco, according to a person familiar with the discussions, who asked not to be identified discussing confidential deliberations. Italy’s government had signaled its opposition to CNH selling to a Chinese company and later praised the decision to pull out of the talks.


Presented by Romano Pisciotti

IVECO Light Multirole Vehicle

Iveco Defence Vehicles has a full range of vehicles to meet a broad spectrum of defence applications.

Our Light Multirole Vehicle (LMV) needs no introduction: with over 4,000 units sold in 14 countries, it is a bestseller in its class. Few vehicles in the world have saved so many lives.
How is excellence born? From the very beginning of its development, it was clear that it had to be a vehicle capable of keeping up with the market’s needs and that it would combine mobility and protection.
To do all this, the entire project was based on two pillars:
🔹 a robust, reliable design that can easily accommodate continuous improvements based on user feedback
🔹 a design team that is attentive to the point of anticipating customer requirements and that over the years has developed an entire family of vehicles capable of meeting the most diverse operational needs.
These are the cornerstones for the vehicle’s latest evolution: our LMV2.

Il nostro Light Multirole Vehicle (LMV) non ha bisogno di presentazioni: con oltre 4.000 unità vendute in 14 Paesi, è un bestseller nella sua categoria. Pochi veicoli al mondo hanno salvato così tante vite.

Come nasce un’eccellenza? Sin dalle origini del suo sviluppo è stato chiaro che si dovesse trattare di un veicolo in grado di stare al passo con le esigenze del mercato e che ben conciliasse mobilità e protezione.
Per fare questo, tutto il progetto si è basato su due pilastri:
🔹 un design robusto, affidabile e capace di accogliere agevolmente continui miglioramenti basati sui feedback degli utilizzatori
🔹 un team di progettazione attento al punto da anticipare i requisiti dei clienti, che negli anni ha sviluppato un’intera famiglia di veicoli in grado di assolvere alle più disparate esigenze operative.
Da queste basi è nata la più recente evoluzione del veicolo: il nostro LMV2.
Presented by Romano Pisciotti

Motor Parts Industry (MPI): IVECO Nigeria

231 Moshood Abiola Way, Ijora (Old Apapa road)

Lagos – Nigeria

Romano Pisciotti

Natural Power trucks

The Stralis Natural Power trucks maximise the environmental advantages of natural gas delivering a reduction of between 40% and 50% in fuel costs compared to their diesel equivalents and emissions reductions of up to 90% of nitrogen dioxide, 99% of particulate matter and 10% carbon dioxide increasing to 95% when biomethane is used.

Presented by MPI, IVECO Nigeria

Romano Pisciotti

IVECO: The new MUV

Iveco Defence Vehicles has extensive experience observing and predicting current and future trends in its field, developing military vehicles to meet global operational requirements.

In recent years, the company has identified the need for a light vehicle specifically designed to undertake a variety of roles from providing U.N. and NATO humanitarian aid, homeland security missions, logistic support and training, to satisfying the military requirements of non-NATO forces.

In response, the company has developed a new generation of unprotected and lightly protected vehicles. The new MUV is the result of the Company’s vast experience in the sector of light vehicles, highlighted by the extraordinary commercial success of its predecessor, the M40E15-WM, which has sold more than 18,000 units worldwide over the last 30 years.

The MUV is also available for civilian use as it fully complies with the required safety and environmental regulations through features such as ergonomic seats, good soundproofing, seatbelts, airbag system and Euro VI diesel engines. The vehicle can be used as a rescue vehicle, a medical asset, for snow clearance, as a light recovery vehicle or by the emergency unit command post.

Presented by Romano Pisciotti

MPI – Motor Parts Industry

IVECO Nigeria
