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U boat

U-boat is the anglicised version of the German word U-Boot [ˈuːboːt] , a shortening of Unterseeboot, literally “undersea boat”. While the German term refers to any submarine, the English one (in common with several other languages) refers specifically to military submarines operated by Germany, particularly in the Firstand Second World Wars. Although at times they were efficient fleet weapons against enemy naval warships, they were most effectively used in an economic warfare role (commerce raiding), enforcing a naval blockadeagainst enemy shipping. The primary targets of the U-boat campaigns in both wars were the merchant convoys bringing supplies from Canada, the British Empire, and the United States to the islands of the United Kingdom and (during the Second World War) to the Soviet Union and the Allied territories in the Mediterranean.


Romano Pisciotti, surfing web

Immigration Bill: Landlords ‘must evict’ illegal immigrants

Landlords in England will be expected to evict tenants who lose the right to live in the UK under new measures to clamp down on illegal immigration.


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They will be able to end tenancies, sometimes without a court order, when asylum requests fail, ministers say.
Landlords will also be required to check a migrant’s status in advance of agreeing a lease. Repeat offenders could face up to five years in prison.
But critics have said it may lead to UK citizens being refused accommodation.

The proposals – to be included in the upcoming Immigration Bill – come as the British and French governments struggle to deal with a migrant crisis in Calais, where large numbers of people are making nightly bids to cross the Channel to reach the UK.
Under the proposals for landlords in England, the Home Office would issue a notice when an asylum application fails that confirms the tenant no longer has the right to rent property.


Romano Pisciotti, surfing web

Romano Pisciotti, 2015
Romano Pisciotti, 2015.

I’m with the lions

Liberty ship

The Liberty ship was a class of cargo ship built in the United States during World War II. Though British in conception, the design was adapted by the U.S. for its simple, low-cost construction. Mass produced on an unprecedented scale, the now iconic Liberty ship came to symbolize U.S. wartime industrial output.

The class was developed to meet British orders for transports to replace those torpedoed by German U-boats. The vessels were purchased both for the U.S. fleet and lend-lease deliveries of war materiel to Britain and the Soviet Union. Eighteen American shipyards built 2,710 Liberty ships between 1941 and 1945, easily the largest number of ships produced to a single design.



Their production mirrored on a much larger scale the manufacture of the Hog Islander and similar standardized ship types during World War I. The immensity of the effort, the sheer number of ships built, the vaunted role of Rosie the Riveters in their construction, and the survival of some far longer than their original five-year design life, all make them the subject of much continued interest.


Only a handful remain in 2015, two as operational museum ships.


Romano Pisciotti, surfing web

Capitalismo di relazione

E’ di questi giorni l’ennesimo caso di azienda italiana che passa sotto le insegne di un concorrente estero di maggiori dimensioni. Il nostro Paese è sempre più una sorta di supermarket dove operatori globali hanno l’irripetibile opportunità di comprare prodotti di gran qualità a prezzi scontati.

supermercato Italia
supermercato Italia

Italcementi e’ stata solo l’ultima azienda in ordine cronologico a passare sotto il controllo di una compagine straniera, seguendo la sorte già toccata nel recente passato alle varie Loro Piana, WDF, Sorin, Indesit, Gtech, Pirelli, Ansaldo, Parmalat, Wind (2 volte), e chi più ne ha più ne metta.

Da non trascurare è anche il crescente interesse di investitori, in primis mediorientali, anche su società del calibro di Snam, Terna, Enel, Eni, Unicredit, su sui stanno accumulando importanti partecipazioni.

In realtà stiamo assistendo al progressivo e definitivo sfaldamento del cosiddetto capitalismo di relazione, che poggiava essenzialmente sulle entrature nel salotto buono di Mediobanca e al successivo riposizionamento dei protagonisti vecchi e nuovi.

Ormai anche le banche e le compagnie di assicurazioni, che erano asservite alla logica di cui sopra, non sono più in grado di sostituirsi a partner industriali latitanti o sottocapitalizzati, in quanto il loro nuovo management è sempre più focalizzato sul ritorno economico per i propri azionisti. Meglio tardi che mai…

Le aziende che sono state comprate, erano per la maggior parte aziende familiari arrivate alla seconda o alla terza generazione, che hanno preferito vendere la partecipazione, piuttosto che continuare a competere in uno scenario sempre più complesso, ma per questo estremamente stimolante. Ovviamente il fatto di operare in Italia, fornisce un grande alibi per la vendita, considerando tutte le cose che non funzionano.


Pisciotti Romano, surfing web

Des escargots géants envahissent la Floride

Etats-Unis : La péninsule américaine tente de contrer l’invasion rampante d’une espèce particulièrement prolifique. Les animaux menacent l’agriculture.

escargot géant
escargot géant


Il peut atteindre la taille d’une basket, dévore des centaines de types de plantes et peut être dangereux si on le mange… C’est l’escargot géant d’Afrique. Et il envahit une partie de la Floride pour la deuxième fois en 50 ans.

L’éliminer n’est pas simple et prend du temps. Depuis la découverte du gastéropode glouton à Miami en 2011, la Floride a déjà dépensé 11 millions de dollars pour éradiquer la bête.

Malgré ces efforts, l’escargot a tracé sa route visqueuse jusque dans la banlieue sud de Miami mais aussi dans le comté voisin au nord de la ville.


Romano Pisciotti, surfing web

How To Analyze Your Audience In Google Analytics

No matter what industry you’re in or what your approach is to marketing and advertising, understanding your audience better will allow you to improve your practices and increase your customer loyalty and retention.

Google Analytics
Google Analytics



Understanding your audience ADNC NaN% is pivotal to any business. No matter what industry you’re in or what your approach is to marketing and advertising, understanding your audience better will allow you to improve your practices and increase your customer loyalty and retention.

Today, thanks to readily available technologies, it’s easier than ever to analyze your audience and get a better idea of who’s interacting with your brand and why. With the right insights, you can modify your approach, anticipate your customer needs, and create a superior user experience.

Google Analytics is one of the best tools you can use for this purpose. Once your script is installed, you’ll be able to measure a tremendous diversity of data on your web users, and using that data, you’ll be able to make meaningful change to your branding and marketing strategies.


Acquisition Insights

The Acquisition area of Google GOOGL -1.01% Analytics is one of the most important, especially if you’re marketing to your audience online in different formats. The main purpose of the Acquisition section is to provide insight on how your users are finding your site. For example, in the Acquisition Overview, you’ll be able to see a chart of how many users found your site after typing your URL directly into their browser versus those that found it through an external link, social media, or search engine results.

This information is especially useful in determining which of your marketing strategies is the most effective, but it’s also useful for determining what types of people are visiting your site and why. For example, if you find that the majority of your users are finding your site through content you’ve syndicated on social media, you could double your content writing and syndication efforts to attract an even greater number of users.



Jayson DeMers
Jayson DeMers 




Surfing web, Romano Pisciotti

Londres et Paris disent travailler «ensemble sur la priorité» des migrants

Déterminés «à mettre fin à la pression migratoire», les ministres de l’Intérieur français et britannique signent une tribune commune dans Le Journal du Dimanche. Mais ils appellent l’Europe entière et la communauté internationale à se mobiliser. Le député Xavier Bertrand pointe quant à lui la responsabilité de l’Angleterre dans l’afflux de migrants à Calais.

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Romano Pisciotti, surfing web: Le Figaro

Union kommt auf absolute Mehrheit

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Erstmals seit 2005 erreichen CDU und CSU bei einer Umfrage von Emnid eine absolute Mehrheit. Das sei fast ausschließlich auf die Beliebtheit der Kanzlerin zurückzuführen, sagen Wahlforscher.
Die Union wäre einer Umfrage zufolge gegenwärtig bei einer Bundestagswahl so stark wie alle anderen Parteien zusammen. „Bild am Sonntag“ zitierte vorab aus einer Emnid-Umfrage von Ende Juli, der zufolge die CDU und CSU zusammen mit 43 Prozent die absolute Mehrheit erreichen würden.

Dies wäre zum erste Mal seit 2005 der Fall. Die Union liege dabei wie die SPD (24 Prozent) und die Grünen (zehn Prozent) unverändert. Die Linkspartei würde einen Prozentpunkt auf neun Prozent abgeben, die sonstigen Parteien mit sieben Prozent einen Punkt dazugewinnen. Nicht im Bundestag vertreten wären die FDP (vier Prozent) und die AfD (drei Prozent).

Romano Pisciotti, surfing web: Frankfurter Allgemeine