“Market” is any area within which the meeting between supply and demand for goods and services takes place and the exchange of them through the price mechanism, determined precisely by this meeting: operators decide independently and individually their behavior, in particular, the prices and quantities of sales and purchases, such that the overall market performance, in terms of global prices and quantities, is the result of the countless decentralized decisions taken by the actors operating there and their interactions. The term “competition” can have two meanings and both presuppose the notion of market set out: one of them refers to the conduct of companies, the other to a particular structural conformation of the market. The first meaning is that which recalls rivalry, competition and struggle between companies, which implement independent behavior in order to increase their position on the market, to the detriment of rivals. The second, however, consists of the situation characterized by a large number of operators on the market, each of which offers such a small share of the same product or service that it is not able to individually influence the price level following a change in the quantity offered.

For the polysemy of the term “market” see, in particular, M.R. FERRARESE, Law and market, Turin, 1992, p. 17 ss., Which sorts the variety of meanings into four categories: a) market as place; b) market as ideology; c) market as a paradigm of social action; d) market as an institution.

Summarizes the characteristics of the market economy model: a) free market of production factors (raw materials, capital and labor); b) freedom of private economic initiative; c) organization of the private enterprise according to the principle of capital sovereignty; d) free play of competition; e) consumer sovereignty.


Romano Pisciotti browsing the web….about antitrust

Berlin protest against TTIP trade deal draws thousands

Thousands have protested in the German capital Berlin against a planned free-trade deal between the EU and US.
Organisers said 250,000 people took part in the rally; police put the figure at around 100,000.
Opponents of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) say it is undemocratic and threatens consumer and worker rights.
But supporters of the deal, which lowers trade barriers, say it would boost economies and create jobs.
Hundreds of buses shuttled protesters to Saturday’s demonstration in the German capital.
“We are here because we do not want to leave the future to markets, but on the contrary to save democracy,” Michael Mueller, president of the ecological organisation German Friends of Nature, told AFP.


Volkswagen overtakes Toyota in sales


Germany’s Volkswagen became the world’s biggest-selling vehicle maker in the first half of the year, overtaking Toyota for the first time.

VW2VW sold 5.04 million cars between January and June – slightly more than the 5.02 million sold by Toyota.



VW3 angela merkel


July 2015

Romano Pisciotti



Analysis of your enterprise position


Description of the Model

The form of your product or service and the makeup of your prospect base will influence how you structure your promotion. If you are offering an improved version of the same product or service to the same customer/prospect base then no changes should be required. On the other end of the spectrum, a new product or service going to a new prospect base calls for a new and innovative approach to promotion. In between circumstances require a more subtle approach to promotional changes.

Characterize Your Enterprise
An expert will position your enterprise on a chart based upon your description of:
product function
buyer history
You can trace through the supporting analysis and its conclusions, adjusting your input until you are satisfied your description accurately characterizes your enterprise.

Analysis of Your Enterprise Position:

Brand Repositioning
The product remains the same, but is now offered to a new market. There will be new competitors and a new marketing mix. Product Repositioning
The product is changing, and is now offered to a new market. There will be a new appearance, new features and benefits and new competitors. Innovation
This is the most complex change. New technology, new price, new promotion, and new competitors call for new strategy.
The product remains the same, but the marketing mix, price, and promotion are re-blended. Re-launch
Change the name, appearance, costs and the marketing mix. Obvious Substitution
The new product appears in a conspicuous manner drawing attention to new technology and materials. Change the name, appearance, costs and the marketing mix.
No change
Neither the product or market is changing. Maintain the status quo.

Face lift
No change in marketing, but changes in the product must provide greater competitive advantage. Quiet Substitution

No change in marketing. The new product creeps quietly into the market without fanfare.





The $11 billion Trans-Anatolian Pipeline would cross the entire length of Turkey’s Asian landmass. The pipeline would begin at the Georgia-Turkey border and pass to Greece through Anatolia, as Turkey’s Asian territory is known. It would not be completed until 2019.


Romano Pisciotti by WEB