
Assange arrested: Ecuador revokes political asylum
11 April 2019, by Alessandra Caparello
Since 2012 he lived in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and this morning Julian Assange, the 47-year-old founder of Wikileaks, was arrested.

In the Ecuadorian embassy Assange had been for seven years when, instead of surrendering to Scotland Yard to be extradited to Sweden and being questioned about the rape allegations, he took refuge in the London embassy and asked for asylum. Asylum granted by the then president Rafael Correa who considered the worries of the founder of WikiLeaks based on which the extradition to Sweden would have exposed him to the risk of an extradition to the United States, where he is accused for the publication of secret documents of the American government. The new Ecuadorian president Lenín Moreno, since he was elected in 2017, had always said he wanted to review Assange’s situation and today he lifted the political asylum.

However, Moreno explained that he had received assurances from the United Kingdom that Assange would not be extradited to countries that provide for the death penalty. Scotland Yard was thus able to break into the embassy and proceed to the arrest of Julian Assange who is now in the central station of London of the British police.

Assange’s arrest, after 7 years of unjust deprivation of liberty, is a disturbing manifestation of intolerance towards those who promote transparency and freedom like WikiLeaks. British friends, the world is watching you, Italy is watching you. Freedom for Assange ”.
These are the words of Italian Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, Manlio Di Stefano. Russia also condemns the arrest of Assange through the spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova.

The arrest in London of the founder of Wikileaks is a blow to democracy.


Assange arrestato: Ecuador revoca asilo politico
11 Aprile 2019, di Alessandra Caparello
Dal 2012 viveva nell’ambasciata dell’Ecuador a Londra e stamani Julian Assange, il 47enne fondatore di Wikileaks, è stato arrestato.

Nell’ambasciata ecuadorena Assange si trovava da sette anni quando invece di consegnarsi a Scotland Yard per essere estradato in Svezia ed essere interrogato in merito alle accuse di stupro, si è rifugiato nell’ambasciata di Londra e ha chiesto asilo. Asilo concesso dall’allora presidente Rafael Correa che ritenne fondate le preoccupazioni del fondatore di WikiLeaks secondo cui l’estradizione in Svezia lo avrebbe esposto al rischio di un’estradizione a sua volta negli Stati Uniti, dove è accusato per la pubblicazione di documenti segreti del governo americano. Il nuovo presidente ecuadoriano Lenín Moreno, da quando era stato eletto nel 2017, aveva sempre detto di voler rivedere la situazione di Assange e oggi ha revocato l’asilo politico.

Moreno ha comunque spiegato di aver ricevuto rassicurazioni da parte del Regno Unito sul fatto che Assange non verrà estradato in paesi che prevedono la pena di morte. Scotland Yard ha potuto così irrompere nell’ambasciata e procedere all’arresto di Julian Assange che ora si trova nella stazione centrale di Londra della polizia britannica.

L’arresto di Assange, dopo 7 anni di ingiusta privazione di libertà, è una inquietante manifestazione di insofferenza verso chi promuove trasparenza e libertà come WikiLeaks. Amici britannici, il mondo vi guarda, l’Italia vi guarda. Libertà per Assange”.
Queste le parole del sottosegretario agli Esteri italiano, Manlio Di Stefano. Anche la Russia condanna l’arresto di Assange tramite il portavoce del ministero degli Esteri russo, Maria Zakharova.

L’arresto a Londra del fondatore di Wikileaks è un duro colpo alla democrazia.

US extradition
Romano Pisciotti

Se la giustizia è una chimera, ancor più lo è quando si tratta di leggi per l’estradizione. Recentemente è stato estradato in Italia il delinquente Cesare Battisti, “eroe perseguitato” per molti e soprattutto per il Governo Francese, dove Battisti ha cominciato la sua latitanza, e il Governo Brasiliano che lo ha protetto per anni. La cosa assurda è che, di fatto, Battisti è stato estradato in Italia per un cambio politico causato da un nuovo Presidente: le leggi non sono cambiate, ma cambiano gli umori e gli atteggiamenti. Nessuno vuole proteggere dei delinquenti, ma occorre dire che le leggi sull’estradizione, per rigidità o lassismo, variano al variare del partito al potere, io sapevo che le leggi sono scolpite nella roccia e devono avere valore assoluto, prescindendo dagli umori del momento. Le leggi che cambiano con le stagioni sono sinonimo di dittatura….che modella le leggi a proprio uso e consumo. Estradare una persona è, sempre, avviarla ad una condanna certa. Gli americani fanno un uso indiscriminato dei mandati di arresto internazionale e troppe nazioni sono degli zerbini, pronti a sacrificare la giustizia per rincorrere…il sogno americano.

If justice is a chimera, it is even more so when it comes to extradition laws. Recently the offender Cesare Battisti was extradited to Italy, a “persecuted hero” for many and above all for the French government, where Battisti began his inaction, and the Brazilian government that protected him for years. The absurd thing is that, in fact, Battisti was extradited to Italy for a political change caused by a new President: the laws have not changed, but the moods and attitudes change. No one wants to protect criminals, but it must be said that the laws on extradition, due to rigidity or laxity, vary according to the party in power, I knew that the laws are carved in the rock and must have absolute value, regardless of the mood of the moment. The laws that change with the seasons are synonymous with dictatorship …. which shapes laws for its own use and consumption. To extradite a person is, always, to start a certain conviction. Americans make indiscriminate use of international arrest warrants and too many nations are doormats, ready to sacrifice justice to chase … the American dream.

I paesi “polizziotto” come ad esempio USA e Germania, ma non solo, amministrano i mandati di cattura internazionali e le relative estradizioni come estensione della loro politica.

Nella UE anche la corte di Giustizia Europea è capace di sentenziare contro ogni logica, anche calpestando i principi espressi nel Trattato di Lisbona in materia di libera circolazione delle persone…e oltre.

The “policeman” countries such as the USA and Germany, but not only, administer international arrest warrants and related extraditions as an extension of their policy.

In the EU, the European Court of Justice is also capable of ruling against all logic, even trampling on the principles expressed in the Lisbon Treaty on matters of free movement and beyond

CURIA Court de Justice

Romano Pisciotti

Berlin protest against TTIP trade deal draws thousands

Thousands have protested in the German capital Berlin against a planned free-trade deal between the EU and US.
Organisers said 250,000 people took part in the rally; police put the figure at around 100,000.
Opponents of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) say it is undemocratic and threatens consumer and worker rights.
But supporters of the deal, which lowers trade barriers, say it would boost economies and create jobs.
Hundreds of buses shuttled protesters to Saturday’s demonstration in the German capital.
“We are here because we do not want to leave the future to markets, but on the contrary to save democracy,” Michael Mueller, president of the ecological organisation German Friends of Nature, told AFP.


Game theory – Europe


Thinking about this situation in terms of game theory isn’t terribly illuminating. The academic discipline that goes by the name is a branch of mathematics founded in the interwar years by the brilliant polymath John von Neumann, who was also involved at Los Alamos in the construction of the first atomic bomb. According to Neumann’s theory, human beings make rational choices aiming to achieve results that are best for each of them. Applied in the context of the post-war nuclear stand-off, the theory produced “mutually assured destruction” – the balance of terror that has prevented full-scale war between nuclear-armed states. It has also been applied widely in economics and business management, and with some success.
The trouble with game theory is that it assumes human action is essentially strategic or instrumental in nature – in other words, that humans act in order to achieve some definite result or pay-off. In many situations this model fits reasonably well. It can be useful in thinking about how to get a pay rise, or bargain for a lower price when buying something you want. Politicians often apply game-theoretic strategies in their dealings with opponents, by presenting them with policy options that reveal their vulnerabilities, for example. Game theory can also be useful in military situations – not only nuclear stand-offs, but also in identifying targets of terrorist activity and computing the optimal paths of missiles.

romano pisciotti about usa and europe games and agreements
Europe and USA compare Games and strategies

But not all of human behaviour fits a model of strategic reasoning. We humans don’t act only in order to bring about results. We also act to express ourselves, to show the kind of human being we are or want to be. Behaviour of this expressive kind can be admirable and noble. It would be difficult to come up with compelling strategic reasons for Winston Churchill’s decision to lead Britain in fighting on against Nazism in May 1940. Churchill may have thought that Britain would be better off being defeated, even in strategic terms, than it would be if it reached some sort of compromise with Germany, since there was little reason to believe that Hitler would keep to the terms of any deal. But the real reason for Churchill’s decision was a conception of civilisation that precluded a shameful peace with the worst sort of barbarism. Fighting on was better, even if the consequence could be known in advance to be certain defeat.
Acting without regard to consequences is part of what it means to be human. By acting in this way we give meaning to our lives. But this human trait becomes dangerous when leaders pursue a project that not only can’t succeed, but is destroyed by the very process of trying to achieve it. The euro is one such project. It was known in advance that it couldn’t work. To go on with the project isn’t simply to compound the error that was made when the currency was set up. It’s an act of folly.
Having identified themselves with an unrealisable project, European leaders are committed to pursuing it to the bitter end. It’s not just their reputation and pensions that are at stake. The euro embodies a vision of an ideal Europe that has become part of the meaning of their lives. Conceived in the aftermath of World War Two, the European Union was meant as a way of leaving behind forever the conflicts between nation-states that had wracked the continent in the past. The paradox is that by pursuing this dream, Europe’s elites have locked themselves into a project that can only deepen Europe’s divisions and inflame the forces of nationalism.

John von Neumann 1903-1957

Born in Hungary, von Neumann was one of the world’s foremost mathematicians by his mid-20s
Pioneered game theory and was one of the conceptual inventors of the stored-program digital computer, alongside Alan Turing and Claude Shannon
Also performed pivotal work on quantum theory and the atomic bomb
Encyclopedia Britannica: John von Neumann

BIMATRIX GAMES SOLVER (arbitrary number of strategies)
MATRIX GAMES SOLVER (at most 5×5 strategies)

Repeated games of two players (for various strategies combinations):

Tournament (number scores of various strategies):

The evolution of a population with strategies in question:

Romano Pisciotti, surfing web

Cpt. Romano Pisciottiabout usa and europe games and agreements
Cpt. Romano Pisciotti


ship across usa germany africa nigeria which carry manager of oil and gas
U boat

U-boat is the anglicised version of the German word U-Boot [ˈuːboːt] , a shortening of Unterseeboot, literally “undersea boat”. While the German term refers to any submarine, the English one (in common with several other languages) refers specifically to military submarines operated by Germany, particularly in the Firstand Second World Wars. Although at times they were efficient fleet weapons against enemy naval warships, they were most effectively used in an economic warfare role (commerce raiding), enforcing a naval blockadeagainst enemy shipping. The primary targets of the U-boat campaigns in both wars were the merchant convoys bringing supplies from Canada, the British Empire, and the United States to the islands of the United Kingdom and (during the Second World War) to the Soviet Union and the Allied territories in the Mediterranean.


Romano Pisciotti, surfing web

Volkswagen overtakes Toyota in sales


Germany’s Volkswagen became the world’s biggest-selling vehicle maker in the first half of the year, overtaking Toyota for the first time.

VW2VW sold 5.04 million cars between January and June – slightly more than the 5.02 million sold by Toyota.



VW3 angela merkel


July 2015

Romano Pisciotti



Germany Postpones Highway Toll for Foreign Cars

Move follows legal action by the European Commission, which says the levy is discriminatory



The Commission said Thursday the de facto exemption of German-registered cars from the charge constitutes discrimination based on nationality. It also described the price of short-term permits, which are expected to be commonly used by foreign drivers, as “disproportionately high.”


Romano Pisciotti, surfing web