Analysis of your enterprise position


Description of the Model

The form of your product or service and the makeup of your prospect base will influence how you structure your promotion. If you are offering an improved version of the same product or service to the same customer/prospect base then no changes should be required. On the other end of the spectrum, a new product or service going to a new prospect base calls for a new and innovative approach to promotion. In between circumstances require a more subtle approach to promotional changes.

Characterize Your Enterprise
An expert will position your enterprise on a chart based upon your description of:
product function
buyer history
You can trace through the supporting analysis and its conclusions, adjusting your input until you are satisfied your description accurately characterizes your enterprise.

Analysis of Your Enterprise Position:

Brand Repositioning
The product remains the same, but is now offered to a new market. There will be new competitors and a new marketing mix. Product Repositioning
The product is changing, and is now offered to a new market. There will be a new appearance, new features and benefits and new competitors. Innovation
This is the most complex change. New technology, new price, new promotion, and new competitors call for new strategy.
The product remains the same, but the marketing mix, price, and promotion are re-blended. Re-launch
Change the name, appearance, costs and the marketing mix. Obvious Substitution
The new product appears in a conspicuous manner drawing attention to new technology and materials. Change the name, appearance, costs and the marketing mix.
No change
Neither the product or market is changing. Maintain the status quo.

Face lift
No change in marketing, but changes in the product must provide greater competitive advantage. Quiet Substitution

No change in marketing. The new product creeps quietly into the market without fanfare.

Marketing Plan


Firms that are successful in marketing invariably start with a marketing plan. Large companies have plans with hundreds of pages; small companies can get by with a half-dozen sheets. Put your marketing plan in a three-ring binder. Refer to it at least quarterly, but better yet monthly. Leave a tab for putting in monthly reports on sales/manufacturing; this will allow you to track performance as you follow the plan.

The plan should cover one year. For small companies, this is often the best way to think about marketing. Things change, people leave, markets evolve, customers come and go. Later on we suggest creating a section of your plan that addresses the medium-term future–two to four years down the road. But the bulk of your plan should focus on the coming year.

You should allow yourself a couple of months to write the plan, even if it’s only a few pages long. Developing the plan is the “heavy lifting” of marketing. While executing the plan has its challenges, deciding what to do and how to do it is marketing’s greatest challenge. Most marketing plans kick off with the first of the year or with the opening of your fiscal year if it’s different………………..

Romano Pisciotti surfing the web:

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Attack submarine

Forget missiles, US Navy reveals nuclear submarine that can launch underwater DRONES !!!



Attack submarine spent two months in Mediterranean testing drones
Was launched using special shelter usually used by special forces divers
Expected to be used as spy carrying infrared and other cameras
The US Navy has revealed its latest weapon – and underwater drone that can be released from submarines on the sea bed.
It is hoped the technology could be used in attack submarines following a successful trial on the USS North Dakota.
In a first for the U.S. Navy, the submarine has launched and recovered an underwater drone used in a military operation.


Romano Pisciotti, surfing web





The $11 billion Trans-Anatolian Pipeline would cross the entire length of Turkey’s Asian landmass. The pipeline would begin at the Georgia-Turkey border and pass to Greece through Anatolia, as Turkey’s Asian territory is known. It would not be completed until 2019.


Romano Pisciotti by WEB

Greece – GREXIT

Although Greece and its international creditors came closer to preventing a Grexit , in Brussels, a secret European Commission Grexit report indicates that the possibility of Greece leaving the Eurozone was very real, and still could be, at least until a bailout deal is finalized.grexit-1.jpg.aspx

“Kathimerini” newspaper cited EU officials saying that the European Commission had prepared a detailed Grexit plan that covers all the possible outcomes of such a scenario.

The lengthy document in question, which according to the report is stored in a safe close to European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker’s office in Brussels, was prepared in the last few weeks. It was written by a group of 15 European Commission officials that includes many who had some role in Greece’s previous bailout deals. The report analyzes around 200 implications of a Grexit.

Some of the issues explored in the report include the social consequences of a Grexit as well as whether this unprecedented occurrence could also lead to Greece’s exit from the European Union and the Schengen Area.

Romano Pisciotti, by web

Who Benefits Most From Cheap Oil?

China’s Insatiable Appetite For Oil

As per the EIA, China is currently the biggest consumer of crude oil after the US and its consumption rate is about one third of the world’s consumption growth rate. In 2014, its crude imports averaged at around 6.2 million barrels per day .This means that cheap oil would hugely benefit the Asian giant as it would drastically reduce its overall import bill.


With a projected growth rate of more than 7.8% in 2015, India is all set to grow more than China according to the IMF and World Bank. With a consumption of more than 3 million barrels of oil per day, India is the fourth largest global consumer of oil in the world. Since the country imports around 80% of its total crude oil requirement, cheap oil has drastically reduced India’s import bill and current account deficit from the previous years. As per India’s current finance minister, the country might even achieve a current account surplus in the fourth quarter of 2015. Moreover, India has recently de-regulated the price of diesel and petrol and brought it in line with the international rates. The deregulation of fuel has reduced its retail cost which has resulted in reduction of the overall inflation rate.


Fantasy Marketing


The rules of Fantasy Marketing are simple:

you have to come up with progressively more absurd, but just about conceivable, marketing ideas.

Why not sell tea cosies with the school logo? Couldn’t we write and record a School Song? What if we had a special offer for pregnant women (foetuses attend free)? Why don’t we force all the teachers to participate in a semi-spontaneous Fun Happening in the shopping plaza car park?

In the end you settle on the leaflets, which the secretaries will have to thrust at passersby in the rain.

Le regole del Fantasy Marketing sono semplici:

devi inventare idee di marketing progressivamente più assurde, ma quasi immaginabili.

Perché non vendere bustine di tè con il logo della scuola? Non potremmo scrivere e registrare una canzone della scuola? E se avessimo un’offerta speciale per le donne in gravidanza (i feti frequentano gratuitamente)? Perché non obblighiamo tutti gli insegnanti a partecipare a un Happ Happening semi-spontaneo nel parcheggio della piazza dello shopping?

Alla fine ti accontenti dei volantini, che i segretari dovranno distribuire ai passanti sotto la pioggia. 

Romano Pisciotti

Romano Pisciotti: like

– Rome Business School – Lagos, Nigeria


What is an FPSO ?


romano pisciotti Plea Agreement | ATR | Department of Justice USA
Offloading FPSO FLUMINENSE – Campo de BijupirESalema
27 de Novembro 2003

A Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) installation is a floating facility, usually based on a (converted) oil tanker hull. It is equipped with hydrocarbon processing equipment for separation and treatment of crude oil, water and gases, arriving on board from sub-sea oil wells via flexible pipelines.

Treated oil is transferred to cargo tanks in the FPSO ship’s hull. Treated gas is used as fuel for on-board power generation, and excess gas is either re-injected back into the subsea reservoirs or exported via a pipeline to shore. Water that is produced during production is discharged overboard, within the environmental limits. Alternatively, water may be injected into the reservoirs.